Friday 15 miler

Dana and I were both headed to Seattle for the weekend, so we met super early Friday at the Thurman Leif Erikson trailhead to get our long run in. Dana was actually the first car at the trailhead. Jay who was also headed to Seattle joined us for the first 3.5 miles.

I seriously love running in Forest Park early in the morning when no one is there, when you can just lose yourself in the park. I wish my scheduled allowed for it more, but I will take it when I can.

Friday 15
leif - cleator (mm 0 - 5.36) : 5.36
cleator - ww : .24
ww - aspen (mm 15.5 - 6.33) : 9.17
aspen to aspen road : .23
aspen road to car : .5 (cool down?)

total 15.5


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