15 mile taper

One year ago this weekend, Susan and I ran our first ultra marathon distance. We had the brilliant idea while on a long training run for the Lithia Loop Marathon, that a few weeks after the race we should run the full distance of the Wildwood trail, which is a little over 30 miles. We decided to do it over Thanksgiving weekend, since it is between both of our birthdays, most people have a party for their birthdays, we just run 30 miles. After that we knew we had to run a 50k in 2012.

This year we have already ran one 50k, Bunker to Bonneville 50k and today we ran our last taper run before our next 50k next weekend, The North Face Endurance in San Francisco.

Susan by a tree that fell over on Wildwood after epic winds on Monday.

start at springville

fl7 - trillium .17
trillium - ww .25
ww - saltzman (18.6-16) 2.6
saltzman to leif .5
leif - cannon (6.20 - 11.1) 4.9
cannon - ww .32
ww - trillium (24.5 - 18.6) 5.9
trillium - fl7 .25
fl7 - car .17
total 15.06


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