
You can always tell it is Springtime in Forest Park because the Trilliums start blooming. And this weekend on my solo run I spotted quite a few fully bloomed Trilliums. I am so ready for Spring, I normally spend my winters snowboarding (and running), but with my wrist injury I have been very limited on my activities. Just as my wrist started to get better and I am almost graduated from physical therapy, my back starts having issues. I am not quite sure what caused it, but I kept running and not listening to my body, which made it worse. I woke up one morning barely able to stand straight and having major back spasms. 6 days, no running, 3 massage and 2 chiropractic appointments later , my back started to straighten out enough where I thought I was ready for a run. Somehow I was able to hobble through 12 very slow and grueling miles.  Not the smartest idea.

To help make this an injury free Spring: I am going to start going back to yoga, buy new running shoes more frequently, listen to my body and take time off from working out if that is what is needed.

This is as straight as I could stand when my back was at it's worse.

Over a week later, still not completely straight.


  1. Wow, so sorry about your back, Ann. I really hope you feel better soon. You must be on the mend though if you were able to do such a long run on Friday! Take care and I hope you two keep on loving the Wildwood. I'm going to put you on my blogroll! ~Leigh @ www.vegetarianbarefootrunner.com

    1. Thanks, Leigh. We have added you to our blog list too.


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