You are here... but I'm not

Me in Forest Park
Susan in Hawaii

Susan was in Hawaii this weekend, which I was reminded of every time I looked at the Find Friends app on my Iphone. I find it harder to get myself out the door when I know I don't have anyone waiting on me. I really didn't plan a route but knew I was going to run at least 10 miles. The first hour of my run felt awful and all I could do was think about how much I wanted it to be over with. I don't know what changed after an hour, but the "runner's high" kicked in and I started enjoying being out on the trail.

Since I was running alone I used the time to catch-up on Trail Runner Nation and Ultra Runner podcasts. I was so into the podcast I was listening to and enjoying the run, that when I got to my last turn off I decided to keep running, adding an extra 3 miles onto the run.

I am looking forward to running with Susan next week, but I know to queue up the podcast for the next time she is out of town.


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