Running in pain

I knew there was a marathon taking place in Forest Park on Saturday, so I planned a route trying to avoid most of the marathon traffic. I was hoping for an uneventful, mellow 22 miles for our last long run before our Epic Lady Mountain Run (circumnavigating Mt. Hood). For the most part we did avoid most of the marathon, but uneventful it wasn't. 

Susan managed to roll her ankle (the stronger one, which is fine). She tripped on a root and started flapping her arms, which luckily helped her not land on her face. Around mile 18 Susan screamed and started waving her arms in the air like a crazy person, then I felt an intense pain in my left pinky. I looked around and realized we were surrounded by yellow jackets, and I yelled, "GO!". We ran fast and got the hell out of there. Susan got stung on her arm and I did on my pinky finger, the pain we felt from the bites for the rest of the run was worse than any pain I have ever felt running. I will have to remember this when we are running around Mt. Hood, since it will be further than we have ever run before and I am sure we will be in pain, but I will tell myself it isn't as bad as getting stung by a yellow jacket. 

Our "difficult" creek crossing
Maple Trail creek crossing
Saltzman trailhead to WW (16.01)-- 1.12
WW (16.01) to Alder (ww 9.4)-- 6.61 (7.73 total)
Alder to Leif (1.49)-- .84 (8.57 total)
Leif to Maple (LE 4.22)-- 2.73 (11.3 total)
Maple to Saltzman-- 1.48 (12.78 total)
Saltzman to Leif (6.2)-- .83 (13.61 total)
Leif (6.2) to Ridge (8.5) -- 2.3
Ridge to WW  -- .34
WW (20.85) - Saltzman (WW 16.01) -- 4.84
WW (16.01) to Saltzman trailhead-- 1.12 (22.30 total)


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