Friday the 13 (miler)

We're tapering for our big run around Mt Hood. This week we had 13 miles on the schedule: just enough to be a long run, but not enough to be quite satisfying. We planned to run it on Friday afternoon  to have the rest of the weekend free.

Then a friend of ours was going to join us, for the longest run he'd ever done. We joked about doing hill repeats except for the fact that he would be there. Then he bailed, and I was stuck with the thought of hills.

To make up for the shorter distance, I planned a route to hit all the big hills, especially Pittock Mansion. And that's how our 13 mile taper run turned into a harder workout than the previous week's 22 miler.

Up again. And again. And again!

  • Holman- WW (5.93): .76mi
  • WW (5.93) to Pittock (ww 3.84): 2.09mi (2.85 total)
  • Pittock (ww 3.84) to Wild Cherry (ww 7.88): 4.04mi (6.89 total)
  • Wild Cherry (ww 7.88) to Leif (.31): .56mi ( 7.45 total)
  • Leif (.31) to Alder (le 1.49): 1.18mi (8.63 total)
  • Alder (le 1.49) to WW (9.4): .84mi (9.47 total)
  • WW (9.4) to Wild Cherry (ww 7.88): 1.52mi (10.99 total)
  • Wild Cherry (ww 7.88) to Dogwood/53rd: .31mi (11.3 total)
  • Dogwood to WW (8.47): .66mi (11.96 total)
  • WW (8.47) to Birch (ww 7.49): .98mi (12.94 total)
  • Birch (ww 7.49) to 53rd: .22mi (13.16 total)


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