2014 Superlatives

Looking back on 2014 we have nothing to complain about; it was simply an amazing year for us. Sometime in late 2013 we got the crazy idea to run an 85km in New Zealand, which we thought would be our A race. But when that got shortened to 47 miles due to Cyclone Lusi, we decided we had to find another 50 mile race. 

We started hearing interviews / podcasts with the legendary Ann Trason and in one of them she mentioned she was putting on a 50 mile race on the Western States course. Next thing we knew we were signed-up for it. In preparation we ran around the Three Sisters in Central Oregon, which was around 53 miles. 

We also had many self-supported adventures in the Columbia Gorge, Mt. St. Helens area and Mt. Hood National Forest. We dialed in our hydration and food more; I feel like we are eating less but better on our long runs. We had amazing training and support from Animal Athletics

Of course none of this would've been possible without support from our family and friends. I hope everyone had an amazing running year. We are looking forward to 2015 and running our first 100k and whatever other crazy adventures lay ahead. 

Some more of the highlights for the year:

Longest distance: 52.3

Rave run: Three Sisters loop

Race with the best stories and RD: Tarawera Ultra

Most difficult race (where we actually placed): Overlook Endurance

Favorite mid-run pick-me-up: Chocolate espresso Pocket Fuel & Nuun Energy (caffeinated!)

Best post-race party: Oregon Coast 50k

Best (new) Gear:

Favorite new shoes: Nike Kiger Trail Shoes 

Best and meanest coach: Willie McBride

Willie in the "there are no words for this panda outfit"

Favorite new podcast host: Sally McRea

Favorite trail nickname (given to us by Willie): Duo of Hell Fire (DOHF for short)

Previous year recaps:


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