First long run of 2015

I only ran once in the six days I was away for the holidays, and Ann had spent the previous three days snowboarding. We knew it was going to be a tough run. I tried to pick a route with less climbing. 

Lots of icicles where water drips 
It was chilly, with some ice but mostly nicely solid ground from not much rain recently. And it turned out to be a pleasant start to our new year of running.

Found along Leif Erikson trail

Start at Wildwood/53rd

Wildwood/53rd (mm 9.18) to FL7/Gas Line (ww 19.96)-- 10.78 mi
FL7/Gas Line (ww 19.96) to LE (8.03)-- .28 mi (11.06 total)
LE (8.03) to Maple (le 6.44)-- 1.59 mi (12.65 total)
Maple to LE (4.22)-- 2.66 mi (15.31 total)
LE (4.22) to Dogwood (le .92)-- 3.3 mi (18.61 total)
Dogwood (le .92) to WW (8.47)-- .34 mi (18.95 total)
WW (8.47) to 53rd (ww 9.18)-- .71 mi (19.66 total)


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