Last weekend we got snow in Portland which turned into freezing rain. It took out a lot of trees in Forest Park and the surround streets, which one of them I live on. The tress took out power lines on their way down. There was also a mud slide on NW Cornell, closing down access into Portland. And that was just my little area of Portland. Since we knew we weren't going anywhere any time soon, us and a few neighbors got out chainsaws and started to clear the tress on our street. Since NW 53rd was closed, it was a ghost town at the normally very crowded trailheads, it was nice feeling like I had that area of the park to myself.
Cleaning up NW 53rd |
NW 53rd closed because of a mud sldie |
Buff to the rescue |
Once it felt like we had recovered from the weekend, Portland got hit with another "snow storm", ~2 inches brought the city to a stand still. Luckily I worked from home that day and didn't get stuck in the 4+ hour commute a lot of people had to deal with. Susan left work early and came over to run with me, the snow started to come down just as she left, she made it home in ~1 hour. The next 3 days while we thawed out, I took advantage of the empty snowy trails. The first day was a lot of fun since it was just a few inches of snow and no ice, I felt like I could of run all of Wildwood.

On Saturday Susan parked at the Thurman trailhead and we met on Wild Cherry. We decided to stick to an out and back on Wildwood, since the connector trails were pretty icy. We managed ~12 miles in the snow in the limited time we had. We both agreed it was beautiful and fun to run in the snow but we were glad we didn't have to spend all winter running in it. I am looking forward to 45℉ and rainy next weekend.
We will run! |
Rare winter sun shine |
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