Product Review :: NANOSpikes

After sliding around on icy trails during the last ice storm in Portland, I decided it was time to invest in some Yaktrax. I did a little Googling to figure out the best pair to buy for trail running and I came across NANOSpikes by Kahtoola. A lot of reviews said the coil/spring system of the Yaktrax didn't actually work that well for running especially on the ice, this didn't seem to be the case with the NANOSpikes, so I bought a pair. 

This Saturday we got 0.5 inches of snow, which turned to ice by Sunday morning. Since our street was covered in ice I wasn't going anywhere for awhile, I decided to give the NANOSpikes a try. 

The stretchy rubber made the spikes extremely easy to take on and off my shoes. They are very light weight, I didn't feel like I had any extra weight added to my shoes. I had no issue running uphill, downhill or on flat icy trails in the spikes. There were a few places where there was no ice and could feel the spikes a little more. The NANOSpikes come with a compact carrying case that fits perfectly into my running pack, so I can remove them on longer runs. 

My only real complaint about the NANOSpikes is the strap that says "Front" would not lay flat and I could feel it pressing into my toes. For a 6 mile run this wasn't an issue, I suspect it would become bothersome on a longer run. Hopefully after a few uses it will work itself out.

I hope the rest of our winter is mild, but if not I will have fun running in my NANOSpikes. 


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