15 for Cedar

two peas in a pod

Susan and I took off July 5th to go run in the Mt. Hood Wilderness/Elk Meadows, but left Cedar with my parents because of some potentially dangerous stream crossings and unmaintained trails. He didn't seem to mind, he got to spend the day with his grandmas running around off leash and swimming in the Sandy River. 

Since our long weekend run was only 2 days after our Elk Meadows adventure we decided to only run 15 miles. I debated taking Cedar with us because he seemed pretty exhausted from 3 days running around my parent's land, but as soon as he realized I was getting ready to go running he had all sorts of energy. 

Cedar waiting for Susan

I got Cedar's backpack ready and he waited patiently by the door for Susan to show up. I tried to tell him that she is never on time, but he wouldn't listen. 

all our running packs

I created a new 15 mile route for us at the north end of the park. The route starts down Firelane 7 to Trillium. Cedar was extra excited which showed in how much he was pulling me downhill. As soon as we turned on Trillium I rolled my left ankle. Susan and I both heard a crunch, I was afraid I broke it. Afraid to put weigh on it I sat on the ground for a few minutes. Susan took Cedar from me and I stood up, luckily it didn't hurt to put weight on it, it just felt a little bruised. 

Susan ran with Cedar the rest of the run so I could concentrate on not hurting myself again. Which worked out ok until the last 1/2 mile of the run when I tripped and busted my knee. I don't remember ever being so clumsy on a run before. 

Saturday morning running crew

Cedar and Susan are perfect running partners the 2 of them were flying down the hills together and slogging on the uphills. 

Thankfully my knee just has a wicked bruise and my left ankle is a little swollen but the doctor thinks I should be fine in 3-5 days. Of course I was worried about being injured and not being able to run for awhile, but I also felt guilty about the possibility of not being able to take Cedar running for awhile. My life now is all about the dog. 

my post run icing

Springville Parking lot
FL7 - Trillium : .17
Trillium - Wildwood : .25
WW - Wiregate : .36
Wiregate - Leif : .31
Leif - Ridge : 1.38
Ridge - FL7: .78
FL7 - Hardstey : .25
Hardstey - WW: .28
WW - Newtown : 4.6
Newtown - FL10: .60
FL10 - Germantown : 1.31
Cannon - WW: .32
WW - Ridge: 3.78
Ridge - FL7 : .44
FL7 - car : .35
total: 15.21 


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