2019 - Feeling good as hell

Baby how you feelin'?
Feeling good as hell
Woo girl, need to kick off your shoes
Got to take a deep breath, time to focus on you 
Lyrics from Lizzo - Good as Hell 

after our 30 mile Wildwood end to end - feeling good as hell
The end of the year recap is my favorite blog post to write of the year, it is always fun to go back and reflect on what we accomplished, learned from and pushed through throughout the year. Normally there is single event or thing that stands out for the year, yes we finished a 100k this year, but I wouldn't say that was it. Honestly, I think it was just feeling good and enjoying our time being together on the trails. Life in general this year has been pretty good, which helps my stress level on the trails (no DNFs), having a coach (Yassine Diboun) didn't hurt either. 

We have been trail / ultra running for almost 10 years and we have worked a lot of the kinks out. We still struggle and bonk, but we are better equipped to deal these situations. We have gotten a ton better about training, nutrition and gear. We have also gotten a little slower, we would like to be faster but at the same point we also just don't give a f*ck. At the end of the day it's not about the distance or crossing the finish line it's about being together on the trails, that is what feels good. 

Without further ado, our 2019 highlights: 

How we got our groove back: Waldo 100k

Cedar's favorite race: Peterson Ridge Rumble 20

Last minute international race: King of the Hill - Lantau Island

Favorite new race: Mary's Peak 50k

Our Girl's Weekend: Pasadena (part one, part two)

Our favorite circumnavigation: Mt Hood 

Our favorite new adventure route: Mount Margaret Backcountry

Previous year recaps:


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