3 girls, 3 days, 31 miles (and 1 dog)
Thanks to only having to work a half day on Friday and Susan's mother-in-law baby sitting, we were able to get our long run in for the week before I took off on my backpacking trip. We did ~11.25 miles in Forest Park. We started out at the Leif Erikson trail head, ran to ~4.25 mile to where Leif connects with Maple. We took a left on Maple and ran to Wildwood, which puts you at mile marker 12.75. We ran Wildwood to Wild Cherry which is between mile maker 8 and 7.75. We headed down on Wild Cherry to connect back with Leif and back to the car. We celebrated with very late lunch at our favorite food cart, Kitchen Dances. Saturday morning Karrla and I headed out towards Bull of the Woods wilderness for our first backpacking trip of the summer. We weren't quite sure which trail we wanted to do, but we were pretty sure we wanted to end up at Twin Lakes. We had originally thought we were going to start at the Whetstone tail head then after some debating we decided that we wanted to...