
Showing posts from November, 2012

15 mile taper

One year ago this weekend, Susan and I ran our first ultra marathon distance. We had the brilliant idea while on a long training run for the Lithia Loop Marathon, that a few weeks after the race we should run the full distance of the Wildwood trail, which is a little over 30 miles. We decided to do it over Thanksgiving weekend, since it is between both of our birthdays, most people have a party for their birthdays, we just run 30 miles. After that we knew we had to run a 50k in 2012. This year we have already ran one 50k, Bunker to Bonneville 50k and today we ran our last taper run before our next 50k next weekend, The North Face Endurance in San Francisco. Susan by a tree that fell over on Wildwood after epic winds on Monday. start at springville fl7 - trillium .17 trillium - ww .25 ww - saltzman (18.6-16) 2.6 saltzman to leif .5 leif - cannon (6.20 - 11.1) 4.9 cannon - ww .32 ww - trillium (24.5 - 18.6) 5.9 trillium - fl7 .25 fl7 - car .17 total 15.06

A Wet Taper and Susan's Butt

Now that is getting cold we are starting to wear our full length running pants, and on one of our recent runs Susan commented that she wanted a pair of pants that weren't flared at the bottom and didn't look like they were from the 80s. I stopped by our employee store to return something and decided to pick her up a pair of running tights. I inner office mailed the tights to her with the note, "I hope these make your butt look as good as that guy on Leif Erickson". Susan's butt in her new pants. Susan's soaked rain jacket This is our first of 2 taper runs before The North Face Endurance Challenge, we decided to only do 12 miles this weekend since my sister was in town and 15 next weekend. I was sure glad we did the shorter run this weekend, it down poured for at least 4 miles, I haven't been this wet on a run in a very long time, and our rain jackets were pretty much useless. I guess we know the winter rainy running season is here. ~ 12 mil...

A feel-good 26 miler (not BPA-free)

I will be the first one to admit that I was shocked at how good this run felt-- during and after. It seems like you shouldn't be able to run a marathon distance and enjoy the whole thing. Our second meal: Tings, peanut butter cups, salt & vinegar chips, peanut butter-filled pretzels, and my Tofurky, pickle, creamcheeze and spinach quarter-sandwich John, Ann's main squeeze, dropped us off at the far end of Forest Park, at the Newberry trailhead of Wildwood Trail. We ran to BPA Road (Ann's least favorite), up to Skyline Drive, then WAY down to Firelane 13, connected to Firelane 15, and back to Wildwood. That extra loop gave us about three miles so that we could end at the Birch trailhead, a third of a mile from Ann's house. This run was not BPA free, by Ann's request Perhaps one of the most helpful things we did for this run was stop twice for mini-meals, at 10 miles and again about 8 miles later. Breaking 26 miles into 10, 8 and 8 made it so manageab...

22 Miler and First Part of Wildwood

The St. John's Bridge from Leif Erikson This is our 2nd to last long run before we taper for 2 weeks for the North Face 50k Endurance race in San Francisco.  We had already planned our last long run, a 26 miler, we are going to start at the end of Wildwood and run 26 miles. Since the trail is a little over 30 miles, I wanted to get the part of the trail we are going to miss next week, this week.  We started at Vietnam Memorial, which is the beginning of Wildwood. It started out a little drizzly, but it turned out to be absolutely gorgeous fall day.  The route was broken up into 3 ~7 mile segments, the first on Wildwood, the second on Leif and the third on Wildwood again. Breaking up a long run like this always makes it seem a little easier. We were on Leif Erickson around mile 6.5 and thought we had passed Firelane 7. We were stopped trying to pull up maps on our iphones, when we were passed by half a dozen college guys, one of them had the most perfec...