
Showing posts from April, 2014

Lake Wanaka

As part of my trip to New Zealand, John and I rented a camper van for 8 days to tour down the west coast of the south island of New Zealand to do some hiking. After 5+ days in the camper van and  only hiking on really awesome trails, I was really itching to run, John told me that he was going to kick me out of the camper van in the morning if I didn't go for a run. So what's a girl to do? Luckily our camp site wasn't very far from Lake Wanaka , but we had to be checked out by 10am, so I need to get back and showered by then. I am not sure if the path goes around the whole lake, which I think is 74sq miles, but I did get to run at least 6 miles of the trail and got some excellent views.  Lake Wanaka the day before the run, when it was a little sunnier. my #trailrunning #selfie

Running with friends

Salmon River trail After being back at work for a week and trying to get back up to speed on everything I was looking forward, but also a little nervous about my 22 mile run on Saturday with Susan and Sally, but I was really looking forward to catching up with Sally. I had been exhausted all week and wasn't sure that 22 miles was the cure for it. I had run more miles in the 8 days that I had been back then I did the whole last month of my trip to New Zealand (if you don't include hiking). My view of the Trilliums this year in Forest Park. I missed them in full bloom, since I was in New Zealand.  It was my week to pick the route, I was being lazy about the route and first thought that we could just run a straight trough 22 miles on Wildwood, but then thought to myself, "why have we been publishing all these routes in the blog if we don't reuse them". Luckily we have started tagging the distances, so we picked the 22 miler from " Running in pain ...

Flowers for Sally

I wanted a 15 mile run, but had trouble planning a route for that distance. So I wrote down 11, 13 and 17 mile routes. I picked up Sally at 7:30am and we were off. A bed of trillium The Thurman Bridge was closed for [belated] repairs, so we started at Birch on NW 53rd. When we got down to Leif, we decided to go to the porta-potties about three-quarters of a mile away-- adding an additional mile and a half. Perfect! It added on just enough to bring us just about to the original mileage I wanted. Sally laughed when I stopped to take photos of flowers, but she didn't mind the breaks too much-- despite being up for such a long run, she's only done double digits a few times. She's just a beast! Here's to a lovely spring run, without the rain. Yellow dog violet Birch to WW (7.49) is .22mi WW (7.49) to Alder (ww 9.40) is 1.91mi (2.13 total) Alder to Leif (1.49) is .84mi (2.97 total) Leif (1.49) to Maple (le 4.22) is 2.73mi ( 5.7 total) Maple to Koenig is .38mi (6.0...