
Showing posts from August, 2017

Three Fingered Jack circumnavigation

Susan looking at Mt. Jefferson with smoke coming from around Pamelia Lake In keeping with doing all new routes for our adventure runs, for August we decided we would head out to the Willamette National Forest area. My first thought was to run the loop around Broken Top , but the Ranger Station said that the snow was still pretty deep. My next thought was to do the loop around Three Fingered Jack , but the temperatures were predicted to be in the high 90s the week we were planning on running and most of the route around Three Fingered Jack was burned during the B&B Complex fires in 2003. Wanting more tree coverage I decided on Pamelia Lake to Jefferson Park and the Hunts Cove Loop .  The 3 Sisters and Mt. Washington Black Butte Pamelia Lake is a limited entry area and you must obtain a permit from beforehand. Normally you need to get a permit months in advance, but by some stroke of luck we were able to obtain one only a week in advance...

Badger Creek Wilderness run

us and our favorite mountain  When I started planning our adventure runs in May, I wanted to do all new routes, at least ones we had not ran before. I have been wanting to take Susan to Badger Creek Wilderness for several years but for some reason or another we never made it. I was excited to to run it for our first adventure run of the season but the snow line was too low in May and June, so we weren't able to tackle it until mid-July and that was after I hiked to the top of Lookout Mountain the weekend before to check out the snow level. I told Susan that we were only going to run the route if we had clear skies, because the view from the top of Lookout Mountain was not to be missed.