2 medium runs equal 1 long run?
Susan has been gone the last 2 weekends and for whatever reason I find it hard mentally to run more than 3 hours by myself. Physically I know I can, because I do it almost every weekend with Susan but I have a real mental block doing long runs solo. Some would say forcing myself to do this is good mental toughness training and I don't disagree and I have done it plenty of times. But after 2+ years of covid, 4 years of Trump, and all the other awful things that have been going on in the world recently, I don't feel like I need more mental toughness training. So I have broken my long weekend run into 2 medium size runs on Saturday and Sunday. Only running a few hours on both days still gives me the better part of both days to do non-running things. I have also been able to avoid a lot of the crowds since I start super early and end when most people are starting their runs. Though when I have looked on the blog for routes we don't have a lot of routes that are less than 15 mil...